General Guidelines 

Kindergarten through Forth Grade.  Please be sure to bring:

  • Proper foot wear:  P.E. Shoes must be securely fastened on your feet either with laces or Velcro. Single buckle shoes are NOT appropriate footwear.
  • Girls: If you wear a jumper, please be sure to have a pair of shorts underneath your jumper.
  • A smile on your face, a positive attitude and a willingness to learn.


Kindergarteners - Mrs. Jensen:    Thursdays & Fridays 

1st Graders - Mrs. Neznanski: Wednesdays & Fridays

1st/2nd Combo - Mrs. Boesiger: Wednedays & Thursdays

2nd Graders - Mrs. Kirby & Mrs. Huhn: Wednesdays and Thursdays

3rd Graders - Mrs. Baker:  Mondays and Tuesdays

4th Grade - Mrs. Bowles: Mondays & Tuesdays




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