Kindergarten - 2nd grade starts with building a foundation. We focus on body control, body awareness, loco-motor and non loco-motor skills, ballistic skills, rhythm skills and manipulative skills (object control).  They begin to learn and understand fitness concepts and how activity affects the body. (The heart beats faster and the muscles get tired but stronger.)

    Loosely organized games are introduced to help students practice basic body control and various skills as they learn an activity. Age appropriate equipment is used when introducing and learning ballistic skills. (Throwing, catching, striking, kicking, etc.).

     In first and second grade emphasis is placed more on activities which require more thought of combining skills (throw and catch). We introduce basic games with slightly more advanced rules and begin more complicated (multi-rule) games. There are more team building activities as well as more difficult individual skills (i.e.: punting, kicking off a Tee, etc.)


Click Here to see the Activities children participate in.

What are your Fun Filled Days? Click on Shoes to  see when you come to P.E.



  • Explain why physical activity is good for health.
  • Demonstrate loco-motor skills: walking, running, hopping, jumping, galloping, sliding, and skipping.
  • Demonstrate movement concepts of directions, levels, pathways, and effort while performing loco-motor skills.
  • Demonstrate non-manipulative movements of bending, pushing, pulling, stretching, turning, twisting, swinging, swaying, rocking, balancing, and rolling.
  • Demonstrate stationary and moving manipulative skills such as throwing to targets, bouncing and catching, tossing and catching, kicking to a target, striking with paddles, dribbling, rolling, trapping, and volleying with the hand.
  • Participate for short periods of time in moderate to vigorous physical activities that cause increased heart rate, breathing rate, and perspiration.
  • Demonstrate moving to a rhythm using basic rhythmic patterns.


 Grade 1

  • Identify changes that occur in the body during moderated to vigorous physical activity. 
  • Demonstrate improvement in locomotor, non- manipulative, and manipulative skills while applying the movement concepts of directions, levels, pathways, and effort. 
  • Demonstrate critical elements used in all of the locomotor skills:  walking, hopping, running, jumping, galloping, sliding, and skipping. 
  • Demonstrate moving to a rhythm by keeping time to a simple beat, using a variety of locomotor and non-locomotor skills. 
  • Demonstrate manipulative skills performed alone such as tossing and catching, bouncing a ball with the hand in general space, dribbling with the foot, kicking and striking with the hand or equipment, throwing underhand, throwing overhand, and volleying.


 Grade 2:

  • Identify and participate in physical activities that promote cardio-respiratory, muscular, and flexibility benefits. 
  • Use the concept of relationships (over, under, around, in front of, behind, and through) in dynamic movement skills. 
  • Demonstrate correct critical elements of loco-motor, non-manipulative, and manipulative skills. 
  • Demonstrate individually and with a partner the manipulative skills of throwing catching, kicking, striking, volleying, and dribbling. 
  • Demonstrate moving to a rhythm by combining locomotor and non-locomotor skills to perform basic educational dance sequences.

 "By day the LORD directs his love, at night his song is with me-a prayer to the God of my life."  Psalm 42-8

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