When: January 15th, 2010

Where: Cafegymatorium

Who: Kindergartners - 10:15 - 10:50 am and  First Grade -10:55 - 11:30 am

What it is:  Each year the 8th grade class prepares a Kids Care Fair for grades K - 3. This year we have two 8th grade classes therefore one class will prepare and host a KCF for children in K and 1in January. One 8th grade class will prepare and host a KCF  for children in 2nd and 3rd grades to be held in May.

This KCF is part of the 8th grade Health Curriculum.  The students make a poster, create an active station or hands on station, present handouts with activities related to a health and fitness topic. The 8th grade students set up the gym with tables and stations. The younger students rotate from station to station. 


Here are the Kids Care Fair Stations for January 

Germs - Students learn about germs and how they spread and what can they do to keep themselves and others more germ free.  

Germs, Germs everywhere

Even on your teddy bear

Germs, Germs everywhere

Even where you can’t stare

Germs, Germs in our hair

But even when they’re out of sight, there are so many ways for us to fight…Germs

Dental Hygiene - Students learn the importance of brushing and flossing their teeth and how oral care plays an important part in their overall health.  

 Smoking - Students learn the hazards of smoking and what they do to a persons lung and how it affects their breathing when being active like running, biking, playing.

Smoking cigarettes puts a person at risk for emphysema, lung cancer and other health problems. Second-hand smoke (smoke from a nearby cigarette) may also contribute to these diseases, especially among children.

 Food Pyramid - Students learn what the Food Pyramid is and how to select a healthy plate for proper nutrition which promotes healthy growth and a healthier way of eating.

Healthy Snacks - with so many choices of snacks, students will learn about making healthy snack choices which will still provide proper nutrition for healthy bones, muscles, and heart. 

The important thing to remember about snacks is to plan them with variety, moderation and balance.

 Fire Safety - Students will learn what to do in case of a fire. 

Bike Safety  

Wearing a bike helmet is the single most important thing you can do to protect your brain - and your life - when you ride your bike.

Children between ages 5 and 14 have the highest rate of injury of all bicycle riders.

Each year, more than 500,000 children go to hospital emergency rooms or doctors' offices due to bicycle injuries.

More than half of these collisions happen on neighborhood streets, sidewalks, or playgrounds.

Always wear your bike helmet - and make sure your brothers and sisters do, too.


Physical Activity

Physical activity improves health and well-being. It reduces stress, strengthens the heart and lungs, increases energy levels, helps you maintain and achieve a healthy body weight and it improves your outlook on life.

For children, regular physical activity is essential for healthy growth and development.

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